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documentation examples changes amber (jpa) ejb database ioc jmx jsf messaging quercus remoting servlet security field property query many-to-one one-to-many many-to-many inherit sessions | field-based persistent objects
Amber's persistence based on JPA (the Java Persistence Architecture) supports a field-based relational model: each Java field represents a database column. The tutorial shows the configuration, classes, and client code for a single-table entity.
Amber provides a Java model for a relational database, following the Java Persistence standard. A typical project starts planning with the relational database schema and matching the Java model to that schema. This data-driven approach contrasts with a transparent persistent object approach which starts with Java classes and then tries to create storage to match the Java model, an approach more typical of object-oriented databases. While the transparent persistence model may be appropriate for some applications, the persistence specification wisely leaves transparent persistence to other products and specifications, and concentrates on the relational database model. In a way, Amber simply provides an extension to SQL queries, returning fully-populated Java objects instead of just returning primitive values like Strings. That somewhat understates Amber's capabilities since the Java objects are live, updating the database in a object-oriented fashion, and also provides caching. Still, viewing Amber as a SQL extension supporting relations and objects is a good starting model. The tutorial uses "entity" to mean a persistent object.
The tutorial's design begins with its database model. The table is a collection of school courses, each with an assigned teacher. The table has an integer primary key "id" and two string data fields, "course" and "teacher". Example: course.sql CREATE TABLE amber_basic_courses ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY auto_increment, course VARCHAR(250), teacher VARCHAR(250) ); INSERT INTO amber_basic_courses VALUES('Potions', 'Severus Snape'); INSERT INTO amber_basic_courses VALUES('Transfiguration', 'Minerva McGonagall'); To judge the complexity of Amber, it's useful to compare the Amber
Java model to the simplest possible Java model. The simple model
has a single class, Example: Course.java - minimal Java model package example; public class Course { private int id; private String course; private String teacher; } The minimal class is missing any description of its intended use as a persistent object, information needed for maintainable code. In theory, a persistent object tool could use the minimal class automatically, but without more information, the source doesn't properly describe the class behavior. Fortunately, the JDK 1.5 metadata annotations can describe the persistence information in a maintainable, self-documenting way. Of course, those annotations might have default values and should be overridable by an optional XML configuration file, but it's necessary to annotate the intended function of the entity in the Java source itself to properly document and validate the Java code. To find and enhance a persistent Java bean, Amber follows the following procedure.
By the end of initialization time, Amber has enhanced CourseBean and made it available to the application in the persistence-unit "example". A servlet will then lookup the CourseBean with the following procedure:
The minimal Java class needs the following annotations to produce a maintainable persistent object:
The following code shows the Amber annotations for the course entity. As a quick comparison with the minimal Java class shows, Amber is close to the simplest possible implementation of the Java model which provides the necessary annotations in the list. Example: Course.java package example; import javax.persistence.*; @Entity @Table(name="amber_basic_course") public class Course { @Id @Column(name="id") @GeneratedValue private int _id; @Basic @Column(name="course") private String _course; @Basic @Column(name="teacher") private String _teacher; public String course() { return _course; } public String teacher() { return _teacher; } } The example uses the @Entity - marking the class as persistentCourse uses the @Entity to mark the Java class as a field-based persistent object. @javax.persistence.Entity declares a Java class as an entity bean. Since the @Id annotation marks a field, the bean's fields are persistent. Only the bean itself or its children may access the fields. Other classes must use the bean's methods, like getters or setters, to indirectly access the fields. If the @Id annotation had marked a property method, the methods would be enhanced. @Table - naming the table@javax.persistence.Table specifies
the SQL database table name to be used. If Example: @Table @javax.persistence.Table(name="amber_basic_course") @Id - marking the primary keyThe @Id attribute marks the
bean's primary key. The Example: key configuration @Id @Column(name="id") @GeneratedValue private int _id; The optional The optional @Column annotation specifies the SQL column name. The default SQL column for an @Id is the property name. @Basic - marking a persistent fieldThe @Basic attribute marks a basic data column like a string or integer or double. Example: data column definition @Basic @Column (name="course") private String _course; @Column - naming the columnThe optional @Column annotation specifies SQL column name. For a @Basic field, the default column name is the field name. With Amber, you create a new database row by creating the model
object and then calling Example: Creating an instance import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.webbeans.In; public class MyServlet { @In EntityManager _manager; public void create() { _manager.getTransaction().begin(); try { _manager.persist(new Course("Potions", "Severus Snape")); } finally { _manager.getTransaction().commit(); } } } As mentioned above, the servlet gets its The Once the Course is in the database, we can read it by its primary key using
the Example: Find by primary key import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.webbeans.In; public class MyServlet { @In EntityManager _manager; public void find(PrintWriter out) { Course course = _manager.find(Course.class, 1); out.println(course.course + " " + course.teacher()); } } Notice that the read doesn't require a transaction. In fact, Amber generally generally caches reads and only accesses the database when the cache expires or the data changes. Of course, the find method is generally only useful if you already know the primary key. Usually, your application will need to query the database using some other criteria, like the name of the Course. The client servlet queries the database for all courses and lists
them. It uses the CourseServlet.java import javax.persistence.*; import javax.webbeans.In; public class CourseServlet extends HttpServlet { @In private EntityManager _manager; public void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws java.io.IOException, ServletException { PrintWriter out = res.getWriter(); res.setContentType("text/html"); out.println("<h3>Course Details</h3>"); Query query = _manager.createQuery("SELECT o FROM Course o"); for (Course course : (List<Course>) query.listResults()) { out.println("course: " + course.course() + "<br>"); out.println("teacher: " + course.teacher() + "<br>"); out.println("<br>"); } } } <h3>Course Details</h3> course: Potions instructor: Severus Snape course: Transfiguration instructor: Minerva McGonagall EntityManager
@PersistenceContext(name="example") Query
Query query = _manager.createQuery("SELECT o FROM Course o"); The SQL used for EJB 3.0 is an enhanced database SQL. The query can return objects directly ("SELECT o") and it can traverse relations ("o.next.data"). In most other respects, it can be thought of as regular SQL. List list = query.listResults(); The query returns its values with Finally, the application will use Example: Removing an instance import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.webbeans.In; public class MyServlet { @In EntityManager _manager; public void remove(Course course) { _manager.getTransaction().begin(); try { _manager.remove(course); } finally { _manager.getTransaction().commit(); } } } The The Resin configuration is fairly straightforward. Resin needs to start the ejb-server, configure the JDBC data-source, and list the beans that will be used. Example: WEB-INF/resin-web.xml <web-app> <!-- server configuration --> <persistence-manager data-source="jdbc/resin"/> <servlet servlet-name="basic" servlet-class="example.CourseServlet"/> <servlet-mapping url-pattern="/basic" servlet-name="basic"/> </web-app> The <persistence-manager> configures Amber support. The persistence.xml lives in META-INF/persistence.xml. Since we're developing in WEB-INF/classes, the file will be in WEB-INF/classes/persistence.xml. WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/persistence.xml <persistence xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence" version="1.0"> <persistence-unit name="example"> <class>example.CourseBean</class> <exclude-unlisted-classes/> </persistence-unit> </persistence>