Caucho Technology

amber (jpa)

hessian serialization
hessian addition
service addition
hessian with di
burlap addition
simple service
client injection

remoting tutorials

Hessian Serialization

Hessian 2.0 provides cross-language binary object serialization with efficiencies better than serialization. The compaction encodings added to Hessian 2.0 have improved an already-popular cross-platform binary web services protocol. With these changes, Hessian 2.0 now directly competes with serialization in efficiency.

Hessian Addition

The addition example creates a Hessian web services with a servlet and uses that web service from a JSP client and a Python client.

Service Addition

Writing a Hessian service as a plain-old Java object (POJO) eliminates protocol dependencies and simplifies service testing.

Hessian with DI

Using Hessian with Dependency Injection pattern creates services which are simpler, protocol-independent and more easily tested. The Dependency Injection pattern (aka inversion of control) gives Resin the responsibility of configuring and assembling the service, protocol, and client.

Burlap Addition

The addition example creates a Burlap web services with a servlet and uses that web service from a JSP client.


This tutorial shows the usage of the Resin server architecture to handle a custom protocol. Resin handles the TCP connections, multi-threading, and the request object pooling. The application implements a class that reads from a stream and writes to a stream.

Professor Trelawny once got a student to make a Magic8Ball, used for prophecy. Originally it was used with a simple web interface. Now Trelawny wants to provide a magic8ball protocol server on the Hogwart's public web server. The magic8ball protocol is at the same level as http or smtp, it sit's directly on top of TCP/IP.

Simple Service

Writing a service for the Resin remoting as a plain-old Java object (POJO) eliminates protocol dependencies and simplifies service testing.

Client Injection

This tutorial shows how to access services with Resin WebBeans injection. A servlet does frontend presentation for the results of a Hessian web service.

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