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JSP creates a document (such as HTML) from template text and scripting actions. Template text is returned verbatim to the requesting client, and actions are used to fill in dynamic values and do things conditionallly. Resin supports Sun's JSP 2.0 specification. JSP creates an HTML page from HTML template text, tag libraries and scripting actions. Resin supports the JSTL standard tag library, the development of custom tag libraries, and Java as the scripting language. <% String title="Counter"; %> <html> <head> <title><%= title %></title> </head> <body bgcolor='white'> <jsp:useBean id='counter' class='Counter' scope='application'/> <h1><%= title %></h1> Welcome, visitor <%= counter.getHit() %>! </body> </html> JSP supports an equivalent XML syntax. The XML has the benefit of consistency with the price of some extra verbosity. <jsp:scriptlet>String title="Counter"; </jsp:scriptlet> <html> <head> <title><jsp:expression>title</jsp:expression></title> </head> <body bgcolor='white'> <jsp:useBean id='counter' class='Counter' scope='application'/> <h1><jsp:expression> title </jsp:expression></h1> Welcome, visitor <jsp:expression> counter.getHit()</jsp:expression>! </body> </html>