documentation examples changes overview quick start installation command-line configuration admin amber clustering caching database deployment ejb 3.0 embedding filters hessian hmtp ioc jsp logging messaging performance quercus/php remoting scheduled tasks security server push servlets third-party troubleshooting virtual hosting watchdog webapp xml and xslt <cluster> <database> <host> ports <resin> resource tags rewrite <server> session variables <web-app> index relax schema environment resin j2ee resin web.xml resin.conf j2ee common j2ee web.xml | resin j2ee common relax-ng schema
The formal definition for the strict J2EE definitions. default namespace j2ee = "" namespace local = "" namespace xsi = "" j2ee_any = text | (attribute * {string} | element * { j2ee_any })* j2ee_boolean = "true" | "false" | "yes" | "no" j2ee_description = element description { attribute xml:lang { string }?, string } j2ee_description-Group = j2ee_description*, j2ee_display-name?, j2ee_icon? j2ee_dewey-version = string j2ee_display-name = element display-name { attribute xml:lang { string }?, string } j2ee_ejb-link = element ejb-link { string } j2ee_ejb-local-ref = element ejb-local-ref { attribute id { string }?, j2ee_description*, j2ee_ejb-ref-name, j2ee_ejb-ref-type, j2ee_local-home, j2ee_local, j2ee_ejb-link? } j2ee_ejb-ref = element ejb-ref { attribute id { string }?, j2ee_description*, j2ee_ejb-ref-name, j2ee_ejb-ref-type, j2ee_home, j2ee_remote, j2ee_ejb-link? } j2ee_ejb-ref-name = element ejb-ref-name { j2ee_jndi-name } j2ee_ejb-ref-type = element ejb-ref-type { "Entity" | "Session" } j2ee_env-entry = element env-entry { attribute id { string }, j2ee_description*, j2ee_env-entry-name, j2ee_env-entry-type, j2ee_env-entry-value? } j2ee_env-entry-name = element env-entry-name { j2ee_jndi-name } j2ee_env-entry-type = element env-entry-type { "java.lang.Boolean" | "java.lang.Byte" | "java.lang.Character" | "java.lang.String" | "java.lang.Short" | "java.lang.Integer" | "java.lang.Long" | "java.lang.Float" | "java.lang.Double" } j2ee_env-entry-value = element env-entry-value { string } j2ee_fully-qualified-class = string j2ee_home = element home { j2ee_fully-qualified-class } j2ee_icon = element icon { attribute id { string }?, attribute xml:lang { string }?, element small-icon { j2ee_path }?, element large-icon { j2ee_path }? } j2ee_java-identifier = string j2ee_jndi-environment-refs-Group = j2ee_env-entry*, j2ee_ejb-ref*, j2ee_ejb-local-ref*, j2ee_service-ref-Group, j2ee_resource-ref*, j2ee_resource-env-ref*, j2ee_message-destination-ref* j2ee_jndi-name = string j2ee_local = element local { j2ee_fully-qualified-class } j2ee_local-home = element local-home { j2ee_fully-qualified-class } j2ee_message-destination = element message-destination { attribute id { string }?, j2ee_description-Group, j2ee_message-destination-name } j2ee_message-destination-link = element message-destination-link { j2ee_fully-qualified-class } j2ee_message-destination-name = element message-destination-name { string } j2ee_message-destination-ref = element message-destination-ref { attribute id { string }, j2ee_description*, j2ee_message-destination-ref-name, j2ee_message-destination-type, j2ee_message-destination-usage, j2ee_message-destination-link? } j2ee_message-destination-ref-name = element message-destination-ref-name { j2ee_jndi-name } j2ee_message-destination-type = element message-destination-type { j2ee_fully-qualified-class } j2ee_message-destination-usage = element message-destination-usage { "Consumes" | "Produces" | "ConsumesProduces" } j2ee_param-name = element param-name { j2ee_string } j2ee_param-value = element param-value { string } j2ee_param-value-Type = j2ee_description*, j2ee_param-name, j2ee_param-value j2ee_path = string j2ee_remote = element remote { j2ee_fully-qualified-class } j2ee_res-auth = element res-auth { "Application" | "Container" } j2ee_res-sharing-scope = element res-sharing-scope { "Shareable" | "Unshareable" } j2ee_res-type = element res-type { j2ee_fully-qualified-class } j2ee_resource-env-ref = element resource-env-ref { attribute id { string }?, j2ee_description*, j2ee_resource-env-ref-name, j2ee_resource-env-ref-type } j2ee_resource-env-ref-name = element resource-env-ref-name { j2ee_jndi-name } j2ee_resource-env-ref-type = element resource-env-ref-type { j2ee_fully-qualified-class } j2ee_resource-ref = element resource-ref { attribute id { string }?, j2ee_description*, j2ee_res-ref-name, j2ee_res-type, j2ee_res-auth, j2ee_res-sharing-scope? } j2ee_res-ref-name = element res-ref-name { j2ee_jndi-name } j2ee_role-name = element role-name { string } j2ee_role-link = element role-link { string } j2ee_run-as = element run-as { attribute id { string }?, j2ee_description*, j2ee_role-name } j2ee_security-role = element security-role { attribute id { string }?, j2ee_description*, j2ee_role-name, j2ee_role-link? } j2ee_security-role-ref = element security-role-ref { attribute id { string }?, j2ee_description*, j2ee_role-name, j2ee_role-link? } j2ee_service-ref = element service-ref { empty } j2ee_service-ref-Group = j2ee_service-ref* j2ee_string = string j2ee_true-false = "true" | "false" j2ee_url-pattern = string j2ee_war-path = string