documentation examples changes overview quick start installation command-line configuration admin amber clustering caching database deployment ejb 3.0 embedding filters hessian hmtp ioc jsp logging messaging performance quercus/php remoting scheduled tasks security server push servlets third-party troubleshooting virtual hosting watchdog webapp xml and xslt <cluster> <database> <host> ports <resin> resource tags rewrite <server> session variables <web-app> index relax schema | configuration
Resin is a powerful, customizable application server. This section discusses how to configure Resin. <cluster>
Each <cluster> contains a set of virtual hosts served by a collection of <server>s. The cluster provides load-balancing and distributed sessions for scalability and reliability. <database>
The tag configures a database as a javax.sql.DataSource with numerous options. Resin offers robust database connection pooling.<host>
Describes the virtual host configuration tags. Ports
The port tags configure <http> ports, addresses, cluster-ports and custom protocol TCP ports. <resin>
The top-level <resin> tag contains any <cluster> defined for a deployment. It also provides an resources for class-loaders, logging and shared resources. Resource tags
Environment tags configure class-loaders, logging, authentication and resources like databases, JMS queues, EJB servers, and web service clients. Many of the resources are stored in JNDI or in EL variables for later assembly. Any environment resource can appear in any of Resin environments: <resin>, <cluster>, <host> and <web-app>. Resources configured at parent levels are shared among all children, so a database can share connection pools for all web-apps or an authenticator can provide single-signon. Rewrite
Resin's <rewrite-dispatch> tag allows configuration for URL aliasing, rewriting, dispatching, and redirection. <rewrite-real-path> configures an alias for files located on the filesystem, allowing for the mapping of a virtual directory. <server>
The <server> tag configures a JVM instance in a cluster. It configures HTTP and cluster sockets, keepalives and timeouts, thread pooling, load balancing, and JVM arguments. session
Resin adds a number of additions to the standard tag.variables
Resin configuration can directly access Resin-IoC/WebBeans-configured beans and variables using EL expressions in the configuration files. Predefines variables include webApp, host, and resin variables. <web-app>
Web applications are configured with the <web-app> tag, which can occur in a number of places.
Alphabetical index of all configuration tags. Relax Schema